News Story 2022
December 9, 2022
Jasper County hires experienced local government leader
Rose Dobson-Elliott, most recently the Hampton County Administrator, is joining Jasper County as the new Director of Engineering Services.
Rose Dodson-Elliot
With more than 34 years of local government experience in Hampton, Jasper Colleton and Beaufort counties, Dodson-Elliot was the ideal Candidate, said Nicole Holt, Jasper County's human resources director.
"She brings a depth of understanding to this position and th Jasper County that is unmatched,"
Click here for more information
November 31, 2022
Special Election
Jasper County School Board District 2 Special Election
Non-Partisan Candidate Filing Notice
Any candidate seeking a candidacy for Jasper County School Board District 2 Special Election must file with the Jasper County Board of Elections & Voter Registration Office. Filling opens 12 Noon, Firday December 16, 2022 and closes 12 Noon, Thursday, December 29, 2022.
Non-Partisan Candidate Filing Notice
November 9, 2022
Jasper County bathes county buildings in green light to support military veterans and raise awareness
Jasper County bathes county buildings in green light to support military veterans and raise awareness
Jasper county office buildings will be illuminated in green light through Nov.13 to support military veterans as well as raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by many veterans and the resources that are available in the county, state and federal level to assist them and their families. The new national collaborative is spearheaded by the National Association of Counties, see full story here.
County Offers signing bonuses for Detention Center
Jasper County offers signing bonuses, strong salaries to recruit for Detention Center positions
Offering a $5,500 signing bonus and sstarting salaries of $44,619, Jasper County hopes to attract mor qualified candidates for detention officers.
Current open positions incluede Detentuins 1 Officer, Detention 2 Officerm Temporary Auxiliary Clerk, and Civilian Booking Specialist. click here for the rest of the story
Jasper County Finance Office
The Jasper County Finance Office has earned major international honors for annual comprehensive financial report
Jasper county's annual comprehensive finance report for Fiscal Year 2020-21 earned the highest award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, the county learned this week.
The report has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program. Click here to read the full story
Jasper County earned two honors at the South Carolina Association of Counties’ annual meeting this month, including the election of Jasper County Council Chair Barbara Clark to the Association’s board of directors – the first time in memory of a Jasper County Council member serving on the statewide leadership group.
More Information

Reassessment notices
Reassessment notices were mailed on 07/05/2022 to all property owners in Jasper County that receives a tax bill
These will be the only notices mailed out for the current reassessment. Property owners will have 90 days from the date of notice to appeal. The appeal deadline is 10/03/2022.
The notices are NOT tax bills. It is a document giving you notice that there has been a change to your market value, taxable value or ratio from our last reassessment which took place in 2015
Along with a change in value, there has also been a reduction to the millage rates. It is possible that your property taxes could go up. However, State law limits a taxable value increase by 15% for any unchanged properties from the last reassessment. Due to the millage changes, it is also possible that your taxes could go down from last year, depending on your location within the county. You may see that the notices have a market value and a taxable value. If this is the case, will be based on the lower of the two.
The notices you received shows a value and an assessment. The assessment is based on 4% or 6% of the value. To calculate the taxes, the assessment is multiplied by the millage rate. There are tax breaks for legal residence, homestead, and the local option sales tax credit. These will be deducted from your base tax.
The Auditor's office has a tax estimator page. However, it may take a couple of weeks for the estimator to be updated. You may call the Assessors office beginning 07/11/2022, if you need an estimate of your property taxes. Tax bills will not be mailed untill October 2022. You ONLY have untill October 3,2022 to appeal, If you wait until you receive your bill, it will be too late.
Susan L Waite
Jasper County Assessor
Jasper County Redistricting
Jasper County Redistricting