October 29, 2024
Jasper County Parks and Recreations
Time to Sign Up !!!!!

August 22, 2024
Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Take Our Survey!
Jasper County is developing a master plan and we need your input!
Click Here
August 5, 2024
Hurricane Debby
Jasper County Emergency Services is closely monitoring the Hurricane. Please check their page for update.
Click Here
August 5, 2024
Recycle Centers
Due to expected rainfall amounts, all Public Works Recycle Centers will be closed tomorrow, August 6, 2024, and Wednesday, August 7, 2024
June 20, 2024
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Councilman Garbade. His commitment to public service and tireless advocacy for out community since joining the County Council in 2022, has certainly left an indelible mark, full statement.
June 24, 2024
Notice for Public Comment: Lowcountry Area Transportation Study Public Participation Plan
Notice for Public Comment: Lowcountry Area Transportation Study Updated Public Participation Plan
The Lowcountry Area Transportation Study (LATS), the transportation planning agency for the Beaufort-Jasper urbanized area, is requesting the public to review and provide comments on the DRAFT Public Participation Plan. The PPP identifies a set of policies and techniques through which the MPO can offer opportunities for the public to be involved in transportation planning activities. It outlines a process to ensure adequate opportunities for members of the community to express their opinion on transportation issues and to become active participants in the decision-making process.
Any changes to the report will be posted on the website. The comment period starts on June 18th, 2024. Please send your comments to Michael Gagliardi at 634 Campground Road, Yemassee, SC 29945 or Public comments can also be made in person at the LATS Policy Committee meeting on August 2nd, 2024 at the Technical College of the Lowcountry New River Campus Conference Room (100 Community College Drive). Public comments can be made in person at the LATS Policy Committee meeting at 9:30 a.m. on February 2nd at the Technical College of the Lowcountry New River Campus Conference Room (100 Community College Drive).
Use the link above or you can access the report at the following web address:
May 28, 2024
Cast Your Ballot Ahead of Time for the June Primaries
COLUMBIA, S.C. (May 23, 2024) – As the S.C. State Election Commission (SEC) gears up for the upcoming June Primaries, they are encouraging registered voters to jumpstart their participation by voting early. “You don’t have to wait until Election Day, June 11th, to cast your ballot,” says Howie Knapp, Executive Director of the SEC, “You can vote at any early voting center in your county and vote just like you would at your polling place on Election Day.”
Full story
May 9, 2024
Jasper County earns $1.25 million grant
Jasper County earns $1.25 million grant to study, improve stormwater drainage, protect waterways
Armed with a $1.25 million FEMA grant, Jasper County leaders are launching a major study of stormwater management and ways to reduce contamination of area waters from current and future development. See More
May 2, 2024
June Statewide Primaries and Runoffs are Just Around the Corner
June Statewide Primaries and Runoffs are Just Around the Corner
COLUMBIA, S.C. (May 2, 2024) –As South Carolina prepares for the 2024 June Primaries and Runoffs, the State Election Commission wants to highlight some essential dates and deadlines for voters to remember. This period is also a prime time for voters to educate themselves on the candidates and issues so they can be ready to make their voices heard when it’s time to cast their ballot.
Important registration dates & deadlines:
The 2024 June Primaries are on Tuesday, June 11 for both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. You can vote in either Primary, but not both.
- The deadline to register to vote in person is Friday, May 10.
- The deadline to register to vote online or by fax or email is Sunday, May 12 at 11:59 p.m.
- The deadline to register to vote by mail is Monday, May 13 (must be postmarked by this date).
Register to vote with a few easy steps!
- You can register to vote online at (requires a Driver’s License or DMV ID).
- You can download a voter registration form, complete it, and return it to your county voter registration office by mail, fax, or email.
- You can register in person by visiting your county voter registration office or while receiving services at the DMV and other state agencies.
Already registered? Be sure it’s up to date by checking your voter registration information.
- If you have moved within your county, make sure you are ready to vote by updating your registration.
- If you have moved from one county another, you must register in your new county by the deadline to eligible to vote.
Choose how you want to vote!
Vote Early
The early voting period for Primaries starts on Tuesday, May 28, and ends Friday, June 7. Early voting centers are open from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Vote Absentee
The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot for the Primaries is May 31 at 5:00 p.m.
Vote on Election Day
Polling places are open on Election Day from 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
Additional Reminders
- Find your sample ballot, voting locations, and more information on voter registration and elections by visiting or by contacting your county voter registration office.
- Download our Voter Go-To Guides and check out our voter FAQs to help you Prep for the Polls.
- Keep up with us on Facebook, Instagram, and X.
April 15,2024
Church Road Drainage Project

February 1, 2024
Improve 911 response and align with ZIP code changes
Jasper County updating addresses to improve 911 response and align with ZIP code changes
To improve response times and finding the right home in an emergency, Jasper County leaders are updating residential addresses in their new Geographic Information System and 9-1-1 service.
The Zip code data was provided by the state’s Department of Revenue and Fiscal Affairs office. That state office maintains databases of address information from state agencies such as the SC Department of Motor Vehicles and the Voter Registration Office. Click here for the full story
March 8, 2024
ATX Meeting Ad

January 19, 2024
Vote Early or Absentee in 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary
Vote Early or Absentee in 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary
Posted on January 19, 2024
COLUMBIA, SC (January 19, 2024)- The State Election Commission is encouraging voters to seize the opportunity to vote early in the upcoming Democratic Presidential Primary. You don’t have to wait until Election Day, February 3, to vote. You can vote at any early voting center in your county starting next week!
Vote Early
•The early voting period starts on Monday, January 22, and ends Friday, February 2. (Closed Sunday, January 28.)
•Early voting centers are open 8:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. during the early voting period.
•Voters will be asked to present Photo ID when checking in to vote.
•Visit or contact your county elections office to find a list of early voting locations.
Vote Absentee
•Qualified voters can vote absentee by mail. An example of a qualified voter could be a person with a physical disability or someone who is age 65 or older.
oTo see a full list of qualifying reasons to vote absentee, visit the absentee voting page on
•The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 23.
•To vote absentee by mail, get your application by contacting your county elections office.
•After you receive and vote your ballot, be sure to sign the voter’s oath and have your signature witnessed.
oAnyone age 18 or older can witness your signature. A notary is not necessary.
•Return your ballot by mail or personal delivery as soon as possible.
oBallots must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, February 3.
oBallots returned by mail should be mailed no later than one week prior to Election Day to help ensure timely delivery.
oYou must present Photo ID if returning an absentee ballot in person.
•Find more information about at on how an Immediate Family Member or Authorized Representative can assist you with requesting and returning your absentee ballot.
Make sure you Prep for the Polls
•See who will be on your ballot by checking a copy of your sample ballot.
•Find FAQs and our Voter Go-To Guides for the 2024 Presidential Primaries.
•Find contact information for your county elections office
January 5, 2024
Jasper County makes huge strides in 2023 and more coming in 2024
Airport upgrades, I-95 widening, major infrastructure improvements key to Jasper County in 2023-24
Continuing expansion of the Ridgeland-Claude Dean Airport, including an enlarged parking apron for planes, a fuel farm and automated weather station, and the first steps toward widening Interstate 95 through Jasper County were among major infrastructure improvements across the county in 2023.
For 2024, county leaders expect to find a site for the BMX bike tract project, finalize construction of the airport’s fuel farm, address concerns about the animal shelter, adopt new growth management policies, and begin the Pratt Memorial Library renovation project in Ridgeland. Click here for the full story