Jasper’s Journey
Engage – Educate – Act
Beginning in 2017, the citizens and community leaders of Jasper County came together to develop Jasper’s Journey, A Comprehensive Master Plan for Jasper County.
The Plan, officially adopted by the Jasper County Council in 2018, addresses four over-arching themes for the county:

Jasper County is now in the process of updating the Plan, with a focus on the land use and community facilities elements.
This Plan is a living document to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis, so join us as we continue Jasper’s Journey!
The Euhaw Broad River Planning Area is of particular concern and is currently under a moratorium for new development.
This moratorium was enacted to allow time for the partial update of the future land use map, which provides a roadmap for growth and development.
During this initial phase, Jasper County will also conduct a review and update of land use regulations, particularly as they pertain to the Euhaw Broad River Planning Area, with the goal of adoption of any new regulations prior to the end of the moratorium.
Jasper’s Journey reflects the community.
Therefore, active engagement from a broad cross-section of the community is very important.
We invite you to join us on this journey in whatever way is most convenient for you!
The development and update of Jasper’s Journey is led by Jasper County, but this is a community-wide effort, and all are invited to participate.
Throughout this process, area organizations are encouraged to host events, lectures, workshops, and gatherings that can bring people together to learn more about Jasper County and the issues that matter to you most.
Have an event to share? Let us know and we will post it on our calendar and help spread the word!
If you aren’t already familiar with Jasper’s Journey, A Comprehensive Master Plan for Jasper County, we invite you to learn more by checking out the plan for yourself.
After all, we aren’t starting over, we are continuing our journey!
As documents are updated and developed, they will be posted below.
Kick-off Presentation to Jasper County Council - September 5, 2023Community Meeting - October 30, 2023Community Meeting - March 25. 2024Community Meeting - March 25, 2024 SurveyPlanning Commission Workshop - June 4, 2024Jasper Telephone Town Hall June 4, 2024
The Process
Once the work in the Euhaw Broad River Planning Area is complete, the remaining areas of the county land use and community facilities elements will be updated, along with additional narrative updates as needed.
Ideas and concepts developed during the Euhaw Broad River Planning Area phase may be incorporated into other areas of the county.
To help inform the process, the County Council has established a Stakeholder Advisory Committee comprised of landowners, nonprofit organizations, local and state agencies, economic development, realtors, and other community leaders.
In addition to the Stakeholder Advisory Committee, community meetings will also be held in addition to workshops and meetings with the Jasper County Council and Planning Commission.