
P.O. Box 1509 Ridgeland , SC 29936
Phone:(843) 726-7519
Fax: (843) 726-7784
The Jasper County Communications Center is a consolidated dispatch center; providing police, fire, and emergency medical dispatch services to the citizens and visitors of Jasper County.
Jasper County Communications Center was founded to provide the vital link between the citizens of Jasper County and all emergency responders, to include police, fire fighters, and emergency medical technicians during times of emergency. Housed in the Emergency Services Building, the center is built to operate four (4) console positions and serves as a backup center to Beaufort County Communications in times of disaster, should the need to relocate occur.
As a 9-1-1 PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point), the Jasper County Communications Center is required to:
- Provide an enhanced 9-1-1 center; providing ANI (Automatic Number Identifier) and ALI (Automatic Location Identifier) features.
- Provide a sufficient number of 9-1-1 lines.
- Provide an electronic recording system that records all incoming and outgoing 9-1-1 calls, as well as radio transmissions from the dispatch channels.
- Provide immediate call-back options of recordings for 9-1-1 personnel to access.
- Maintain a physically secure facility to house the 9-1-1 Center.
- Provide the equipment necessary to communicate with the hearing/speaking impaired.
- Employ communications personnel that have been trained and certified in the Telecommunications Specialist Course at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy.
- Employ communications personnel that are certified NCIC operators, CPR certified, and EMD certified.
We utilize the Smart911 system to aid in obtaining information on the residents that have signed up for the free service. This system gives our telecommunication officers instant access to important information like the house description, medical conditions, as well as emergency contact information. This information is valuable in case you are unable to communicate with first responders. You are able to give as much or little information you want.
Click on the image below to SIGN UP NOW.