
Mission Statement
It is the mission of Jasper County Fire-Rescue to provide the best fire and emergency medical services to the citizens and visitors of Jasper County in the most cost effective and professional manner possible. JCFR also strives to provide education on fire safety, medical assistance, and assistance to our neighboring communities as needed.
Jasper County Fire-Rescue & Ridgeland Fire Department
Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment Website

Jasper County Fire-Rescue (JCFR) was created by county ordinance in 2005 by combining Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Ridgeland Rural Fire District, Cherry Point Fire District, Hardeeville Rural Fire District, Tillman Volunteer Fire Department, Robertville-Pineland Vol. Fire Department, Coosawhatchie Vol. Fire Department, Point South Vol. Fire Department, Roseland Vol. Fire District, and the Grays Vol. Fire Department.
Today, Jasper County Fire-Rescue operates from 9 stations located in the northern, unincorporated areas of Jasper County with both paid and volunteer personnel. The department provides fire suppression and emergency medical services to the residents and visitors of the County. Three of the fire-rescue stations are staffed 24/7 with one firefighter and two of those stations are cross staffed with an ambulance crew of two personnel 24/7. The remaining four stations are unstaffed. The department also has a core of volunteer firefighters that respond to fire incidents and respond additional fire equipment to the scene. The department staffs 4 advanced life support (Paramedic) ambulances to serve the entire 650 square miles of the County.
The department responds to over 4,500 calls annually, with the majority of those calls being for emergency medical services. The department also works closely with the Ridgeland, Hardeeville and Levy Fire Departments to provide service to the residents and visitors of the County. The Fire-Rescue budget for FY2019 is approximately $5.5 million.

JCFR is always accepting volunteer applications that can be turned in to any of the stations. The application can be found by clicking here.
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